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金年会app-河北宏旭 中央防护墙钢模具 现浇防护墙模具 河道**护坡模具【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】

河北宏旭 中心防护墙钢模具 现浇防护墙模具 河流**护坡模具 河北宏旭 中央防护墙钢模具 现浇防护墙模具 河道**护坡模具

河北宏旭  中心防护墙钢模具  现浇防护墙模具  河流**护坡模具  

The mould of cast-in-place protective wall of cement shall support the formwork according to the�����app.txt design drawings and the measuring and setting out position. The board surface at the bottom of the formwork shall be leveled with cement mortar. There are many customers who order our cast-in-place concrete protective wall molds, and they will have problems with construction technology, because some customers are the first to contact with such projects. I plant cast-in-place cement protective wall mold cast-in-place protective wall mold site construction steps for the majority of customers to interpret. The adjacent cast-in-place protective wall mold and cement anti-collision wall mold should be connected with bolts, while the corresponding cast-in-place protective wall mold and cement anti-collision wall mold should use through wall bolts, and the joint of the cast-in-place protective wall mold of the cement cast-in-place protective wall should be sealed with sponge double-sided adhesive tape. In the cast-in-place protective wall mold and cement anti-collision wall mold guardrail, the reserved short steel is used as the fulcrum, and the scaffold tube square wood and steel wire rope are used to add back the cement cast-in-place protective wall mold. A short square wood should be placed horizontally at the top surface of the cast-in-place protective wall mold every 1 m, and the square wood is tightly pressed by the Zui iron wire and the reserved reinforcement on the beam slab to prevent the formwork from floating when pouring concrete.

金年会app-道路水泥护栏模板 安装技巧【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】

产物介绍   防撞护栏模板用来建造公路、高速、铁路、桥梁两侧的水泥防撞护栏利用,外形年夜同小异。   防撞护栏模板尺寸:   长度:100cm、150cm、2...



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