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金年会APP-宏旭定制 路边预制浇筑防撞墙钢模具 路边防撞墙模具【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】

宏旭定制 路边预制浇筑防撞墙钢模具 路边防撞墙模具 宏旭定制 路边预制浇筑防撞墙钢模具 路边防撞墙模具

宏旭定制   路边预制浇筑防撞墙模具   路边防撞墙模具

The side of the road precast casting anti-collision wall mold, the roadside anti-collision wall mold uses the steel mold prefabrication molding, because individual big plastic mold cannot prefabricate, the roadside anti-collision wall mold specialized produces each kind of highway, the high-speed railway each kind of anti-collision wall steel mold, has the �����app.txtsteel mold workshop and the plastic mold workshop, the specialized technology creates for you The products on both sides of the road and the central isolation belt are often used, playing a role of obstruction and anti-collision. The roadside anti-collision wall mold is prefabricated and poured. The roadside anti-collision wall mold uses steel plate, which is customized according to the requirements of Party As drawings through welding, bending, and rounding, etc according to the shape, size and quantity. Precast casting anti-collision wall mold for roadside The mold of roadside anti-collision wall should bear all kinds of pressure and gravity during the construction. In order to meet the technical stability function and ensure the mold is very durable, the thickness of the steel panel is about 5mm, which can reduce the impact on the surface of the steel panel when friction occurs. The surface of the steel mold will be strengthened, so it can meet the production needs 。


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