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金年会app-河北宏旭 高速急流槽模具 公路急流槽模具 河道**护坡模具【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】

河北宏旭 高速激流槽模具 公路激流槽模具 河流**护坡模具 河北宏旭 高速急流槽模具 公路急流槽模具 河道**护坡模具

河北宏旭  高速激流槽模具  公路激流槽模具   河流**护坡模具

The introduction of highway chute mold highway chute mold is combined with the customization of small-scale chute precast block. Because the highway chute mold highway chute mold is basically U-shaped structure, it can make plastic mold or steel mold, so it needs to see the number of molds required and the construction period. From the perspective of the actual processing of the chute precast blocks, they are built and used by expressways or ordinary highways. The general use area is concentrated in Inner Mongolia, and the use amount in other areas is very small. From the highway chute mold quality point of view, most of the highway chute mold is made of polypropylene material, because of the control of production cost, so choose this material, and can well meet its shape requirements. Highway chute mold, highway chute mold in the above is for the use of �����app.txtmaterials, the next time in the use of what problems need to pay attention to? The first is how the mold is made. If the upper and lower taper is small, it will seriously affect the demoulding of the precast block. Because the mold is mainly made with the bottom facing up, the production is all in the form of flat formwork. The internal painting process is indispensable, and the demoulding can only be carried out after the concrete is completely solidified, which can not only ensure the quality of the precast block, but also extend the mold Time of use.


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