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宏旭-边沟盖板模具-公路边沟盖板模具 宏旭-边沟盖板模具-公路边沟盖板模具



The fatigue fracture performance of the channel cover plate die box mainly depends on its strength, toughness, hardness and the content of inclusions in the material. When the working temperature is high, the hardness and strength of the die box will decrease, which will lead to the early wear of the die or plastic deformation and failure. Therefore, the die material should have high tempering stability to ensure that the plastic cover mold has high hardness and strength at working temperature. Some dies are in the state of repeated heating and cooling in the working process, which makes the cavity surface subject to tension and pressure variation stress, causing surface cracking and spalling, increasing friction force, hindering plastic deformation, reducing dimensional accuracy, thus leading to die failure. Hot and cold fatigue is one of the main failure forms of hot working dies, which should have high resistance to cold and hot fatigue.

With the continuous development of Chinas industrial level, Chinas mold industry also has a rapid developmen�����app.txtt, many manufacturers of ditch cover mold box manufacturing capacity has reached the international advanced level. However, the mold development in Western China is still at a low level, which needs the support of a large number of technical workers.

金年会app-砼联锁块软体排模具 用于航道河床保护工程 飞皇模具定制加工【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】




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