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金年会APP-宏旭定制 翻滚式隔离墩模具 水泥隔离墩模具【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】

宏旭定制 翻腾式隔离墩模具 水泥隔离墩模具 宏旭定制 翻滚式隔离墩模具 水泥隔离墩模具

宏旭定制   翻腾式隔离墩模具   水泥隔离墩模具

In the injection molding of cast-in-place concrete anti-collision wall steel mold, the major factor �����app.txtaffecting the precision of molding parts is molding shrinkage. High pressure injection molding can reduce the shrinkage rate of resin and increase the dimensional stability of plastic parts. The method of the invention can achieve the purpose of upper compression resistance, middle shear bending resistance and bottom tensile strength by one-time molding; the product has strong settability, and the tensile strength, shear resistance, bending strength and tensile strength can be changed at will; the upper and lower sides of the mold are smooth, the upper part can be designed with bright patterns at will, and the lower part is in compact contact with the mating surface; the pouring density is high, and the internal air hole is small One kind of raw material can significantly improve the tensile strength, shear strength, bending strength, tensile strength; high fiber content, light weight, significantly saving resin concrete materials, reducing product costs. Nowadays, with the rapid development of the mold industry, the steady development of economic construction has been enhanced. Over time, with the continuous development of urban construction, with the rapid development of the national economy, the daily common product mold has become a part of the mold industry, which is a high-tech industry. Restricted by the mold product upgrading, with the global economic recovery and rapid industrial development, the mold industry can achieve high growth this year, so the total demand for materials in the mold industry will continue to rise.


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